Southern Ontario Repeater Team

Welcome to the S.O.R.T. homepage. We are located in London, Ontario, Canada. We specialize in VHF & UHF amateur radio communications. We maintain analog and D-Star repeaters in southern Ontario, providing links between our repeaters and others via Internet connectivity.

SORT Repeaters

We operate repeaters at 4 different sites in southwestern Ontario. With a total of 7 analog repeaters and 2 digital repeaters.
LondonVE3TTT (Analog/P25)147.180 MHz (+) 114.8HzIRLP Node 2400
EchoLink Node 10741
P25: NAC 293
VE3SUE444.400 MHz (+) 114.8HzAllStar Node 2416
HamShack Hotline 94089
VE3GYQ145.350 MHz (-) 114.8HzAllStar Node 52685
HamShack Hotline 94088
VE3TTT-B (DStar)442.300 MHz (+)DStar Dashboard
VE3TTT-A (DStar)1285.500 MHz (-)
VE3TTT (NXDN + DMR)434.450 MHz (+)NXDN: RAN1
DMR: CC1 Local TG302066
DMR Brandmeister Dashboard
IpperwashVE3TCB146.940 MHz (-) 114.8Hz
Greenway (Grand Bend)VE3SRT442.050 MHz (+) 114.8Hz
LucanVE3MCR147.000 MHz (+) 114.8Hz
Grand BendVE3RGB146.760 MHz (-) 114.8Hz

Link System

SORT link system diagram


We host several weekly nets. All times below are local time, unless otherwise noted.
SORT NetSaturday 7:00pmAll analog repeaters
JO NetDaily 7:00pmVE3GYQ
Coffee NetTuesday 10:00amVE3GYQ
Procomm NetThursday 8:00pm
Sunday 8:00pm
All analog repeaters, except VE3GYQ
Canadian DStar NetFriday 9:00pmVE3TTT-B
Northern Ontario DStar NetMonday 8:00pmVE3TTT-B
YL NetWednesday 21:30 UTC (every other week)VE3TTT Analog